Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dear children,
I had a great year with you in grade 2.
I will miss you all greatly, but you will be with me wherever I am.
William: Our handsome and sensitive boy, we have missed you a lot. All the best in your new school.
Taj: You are a great speaker. I am so proud of how you've come to speak up and share your mind.
Issam, Daniel, Seif, Yacoub and Rami: Keep smiling and keep the friendships going :). You know how, right? Good things are 'worth the effort'. Remember that sometimes it is important to 'explain', even when your intentions are good and 'you' do not believe you did anything wrong.
Yacoub, I remember you on the bus to the Shouf Reserve, the reflective thinker. Keep going.
Daniel, plug your guitar and play and do not let anyone stop you.
Rami, when can we hike together?
Seif, the cookies you baked for the last day were so yummy! Now you have to send the recipe: In English!
Issam: Will I see you in any 'major' performance anytime soon?
Sam: You know that 'Newspapers will definitely write about you one day'. Keep that T-shirt just as a souvenire. And keep listening to what this beautiful mind of yours tells you and what your heart feels. No matter what, even when the whole world is going wrong; you are right!
Tamara: My beautiful Ms. Chebaklo, I loved watching you learn and grow. In my mind, there's a book of memories on my special Tamara (or is it Tamra? ) Just kidding.
Michelle: You've been a wonderful example of how children can be strong and helpful when needed. Love to you and to your brother.
Dana: The responsible Dana. Ms. 'flutter by'. Always reaching out to help and sensing what you want before you ask for it. You proved to be a wonderful dancer.
Mariam: Mariam, the great thinker who loves to make connections. My mind is filled with images, colors, symbols and actions when I think of you and how you showed your learning throughout the year. I wish you will always feel 'safe' wherever you go.
Adnan: So good to have such a serious and determined boy. A friend to rely on.
Karen: Your thoughts are as beautiful as the notes you play on the piano.
Tamara O: Loved to see you laugh, grow and speak your mind. Just like Sam, I wish you believe in the principles you set for yourself even when they are challenged, even when things don't seem right.
Tala: You've been a wonderful member of a group of learners. What a great friend to the environment. Keep planting, smiling and growing.
Marya: At the beginning of the year, you were adamant to show me what a great reader you are. That was not so hard: You are that and much more. Mozart would've definitely wanted to be friends with you, all dressed up for the Opera during the Talent Show- singing and playing the piano.
Maher: Van Gogh would've been not so miserable had he been alive today, to see how enthusiastic and creative you've grown towards the Arts...but not Mr. Da Vinci with your 'Fata Lisa'. To me, you are far better than 'Mika'! Thanks for the song.
Jad: I still remember your interview with your dad's friend in grade 1. What a communicator you've grown to be and what a confident dabke'dancer. Love you and your curly hair.
Isabella: When you smile, everything around lights up! I will miss your stories little girl and that tiny hand of yours. Keep smiling.
Layla: The calm and quiet who loves nature. I loved having you for two years and enjoyed how confident you've become as a speaker and learner.
Samaya: The year ended with both of us being proud of : You! :)
Hiba: Always ahead; ahead of everyone and everything. Just like a shooting star.
Skye: Is it that you were named after the island or is it that the island was named after you? I remember your calling me 'Daddy' by mistake and us laughing about it. I wish you always be surrounded by people who deserve and appreciate you.
Shafik: I can still see you acting in the 'Great Kapok Tree'. You are a risk taker Shafik, always making effort and trying even when things seem difficult. Keep going Shafik, you'll surely make it.
Yacoub Haddad: The confident narrator. Your skill in estimation was greatly appreciated during the 'garage sale'. Are you still planning to rent rooms in your big house in Baabdat? Is it really safe in Erbil?? I enjoyed watching you mingle with others and make friends along the year.

You all have been special to me, each in her and his own way. Remember our 'heart to heart' talk and always be true to who you are.

I love you all very much and will come back to see you very soon.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mariam's Reflection on Picasso

Talent Show- The Performance

The children had a good time expressing themselves on stage during the Talent Show.

The skits were interesting and funny, the dances and ball tricks were creative and the piano performances were beautiful and well chosen.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Express Yourself, Liberate Yourself

The children had an interesting discussion with Ms. Roula who visited our class today. Ms. Roula shared a pop-up book with the children as well as a slideshow presentation of Women's Portraits in the history of paintings.

The children enjoyed gaining more perspective on what it means to be an artist and how people express their uniqueness.

Thank you Ms. Roula for your visit! It was great!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Talent Show

Although it's the end of the school year, but it does not feel so. The children are so engaged in the learning experiences and are so excited to present in the end of unit celebration.

As children are learning about artists and different ways people express their uniqueness,
they have decided to express themselves and to have our end of year celebration as a Talent Show.

The program will include groups of children as well as individuals expressing themselves through music, movement, words and through arts.

The celebration will take place in Issam Faress Hall on Thursday, June 24th at 11:00 a.m.

This event is prepared solely by the children. Parents are welcome to attend.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How we express ourselves

Dear parents,

We have started our new Unit of Inquiry (UOI). The children are inquiring into the different ways people express themselves to show their uniqueness.

Today the children were involved in creating many questions regarding arts, movement, music, etc.

Please check our latest newsletter. We appreciate your sending any resources you may have that you feel are related to our inquiry.

Central Idea:

Music, words, movement and colors can be used to express emotions and

Inquiry Into:

*The diverse ways in which artists express themselves
*How artists develop their talents
*How we can express our uniqueness through literature, visual Arts, music, drama, and dance.
