Friday, May 28, 2010

Lebanese Food Tasting

Lebanese food was among the things that we explored in our unit 'Discover Lebanon'.
The children created a list of food that they liked to explore and try. We had a week full of Lebanese appetizers, main dishes and desserts. After eating, the children would describe the food using the visible thinking routine of creating a 'headline'for it. Many children tasted certain food for the first time and many parents reported having their children ask for Lebanese meals after they've tried them out in class.

Mr. Duff, a visitor from Geneva International School, stayed in our class a 'little while' longer for the Kanafe'tasting.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Grade 2's Trip to the Chouf Mountains

May 7th was a very exciting day for children in grade 2.
As part of the theme Where we are in time and place and our unit ‘Discover Lebanon’, the children went on a field trip in the Chouf mountains.

Before the trip the children inquired into the characteristics of Lebanese mountains, rivers and important touristic sites. For their trip, they created rubrics to guide them to explore the route of the trip from the coast up to the mountains. On the way, children observed and recorded their observations of the coast, the banana plantations, signage of towns and villages, the mountains, the flowers, houses, etc.
Our first stop in Deir el Qamar was an apportunity for children to learn about the 'city of princes' and observe the traditional Lebanese houses.
In Moussa castle, the children observed scenes created from wax that reflected some of the traditional heritage, such as gathering the 'mouneh' and 'sandouk el Firjeh'.
At the Chouf reserve, the children appreciated the 'majestic cedars'. They stopped at the oldest tree in the forest that is over 2000 years old. They walked in the forest and asked the guide questions about the reserve and its inhabitants. They learned more about the cedars of Lebanon, why they are called 'Arz el Rab' and promised to come back and plant cedars that carry their names into eternity.
In Beitteddine, the children observed the old baths, the mosaics, they also visited the stables and took a walk in the gardens. They learned more about prince Bashir and appreciated the designs of the rooms, the furniture and Napolion's Chandelier's gift to Mir Bashir.
On they way back, the children expressed their appreciation of the places they've been to. To them, it was 'the BEST TRIP EVER!'

Thursday, May 13, 2010


As we learned today, symmetry is found in nature. Also humans have created objects with symmetry. The gardens of Versaille which we explored today, were created in 1749 and stand as a representation of the Art of symmetry.

Continue to explore objects of symmetry and symmetry in nature. Bring pictures to add to your Geometry book.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Home Learning Engagements May 10-13

Journal Entry: Highlights of the field trip
Driving questions:
what observations did you make when driving through the coast and the chouf mountains?
what makes Beiteddine a special place?
what makes the cedar trees in Lebanon special from those in other countries?

Book in the bag activities: a minimum of two

Maths: Solve the activity sheets that will be sent home.
observe some of the old Lebasese houses and record the geometrical shapes that were used in the construction.

Inquiry: research about special places in Beirut.

Driving questions: what makes Beirut a special city?

where would you take a visitor in Beirut and why?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Getting ready for our field trip

Date: Friday, May 7th, 2010

Destination: Cedar chouf reserve, Beiteddine Palace, Moussa Castle and Deir Al Kamar

What to wear:
*IC PE outfit
*Comfortable shoes

What to bring in your backpack:
- your pencil case
- a cap
- water bottle + (light snack)
- money
- a camera (optional)
Please come to school on time and not later than 7:30 as we need to be prompt in leaving on time.

For emergencies, please call Ms. Nora's phone or any of the accompanying parents' telephone numbers which will be provided in the school office.

Accompanying parents: Mrs. Dima Tabbara- Mrs. Hanin Tzanatos

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Home Learning Engagements

April 30-May 6th

Our Program

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where we are in time and place

Central Idea: Lebanon has special characteristics that distinguish it from other countries.

Lines of Inquiry:

· The physical characteristics of where we live

· The heritage of where we live

· The places and things you’d like a visitor to see


· Grade 2 students will visit Beiteddine and Deir el Amar to se e traditional Lebanon. The visit’s purpose is to instil an appreciation of our culture and heritage as the students learn more about their country. Another purpose would be to make connections between the past and the present and to wonder about what remains and what’s gone…

· We encourage the families to go sightseeing in Lebanon at this time of year. The weather is clement and there’s much to see in our country that the kids can start to appreciate. If you take any trips of this sort, please ask your child to write a journal entry accompanied with some photos in the Home Journal. A scrap book would be an alternative.

· The students will be creating either guide books or brochures that explain to tourists about differnet parts of our country. The work will be done at school, but help in research might be needed from the home.

Environment Tip/News: The next time you have the impulse to buy a new book to read, borrow it from the library or a friend instead of buying a new copy. Sharing books is a great way to reduce waste and reuse materials.


Pick a place to research over the weekend. You can also plan to visit that place. The place could be either your native hometown or a touristic spot. Find answers to these questions:

  1. Location
  2. historical overview
  3. important things to visit
  4. food
  5. miscellaneous





1.Get pictures of the place you’re researching. The photos have to be on a USB or CD.

2.Bring in pictures of traditional Lebanese houses.

Use these words in sentences:

· tourism

· unique

· distinguish

· characteristics

Draw and color a traditional Lebanese house of your creation. Name all the plane shapes you used in your drawing.

Write a short paragraph of 6 to 8 lines describing Lebanese food, music, or landscape.

Read the book that you have with you and remember to fill in your reading log on a daily basis.