Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Weekly Home Learning Program

November 6 - November 12

Our Program

Transdisciplinary Theme: Who we are

Central Idea: To achieve a balanced lifestyle we need to make wise choices in nutrition, hygiene, and physical and social life.

Lines of Inquiry:

· An awareness of our physical and social needs

· The practical consequences of a healthy lifestyle on our general well being


· We shall work on this planner for one extra week due to last week’s absenteeism.

· Make sure your child is dressed warmly on cold days.

· Whenever you use a disposable plastic water bottle, please send the caps to school. We are collecting them for a project that supports the disabled in getting a wheelchair for a cheaper cost.

Environment Tip/News:

Shopping Bags: While shopping, if you only buy a few products skip the shopping bag. For larger purchases, bring your own. Learn about the dangers of plastic bags and what countries around world are doing about it ("The Dangers of Plastic Bags" slide show from Teacher Vishal Mody).


Estimating measurements is important in making some practical decisions. Here are two activities to do:

  1. Ask an adult to give you a string that measures one meter. Find at least 5 objects in your house that are exactly the same length. Record them in your Home Journal.
  2. Count the paces it takes from your bedroom to some other rooms in your house. On the attached estimate form write the actual distances.





In your Home Journal make a list of all the things you can do to help at home.

Make a list of 10 things you need help to do now. It may be at home, school or anywhere else. Bring the list in for sharing tomorrow.

In each planner, we take action based on what we have learned. In your home journal, write a reflection on how is it going with the action you’ve taken for this planner. Be ready to share your entry with the class.

Take a guess on how many times you can jump a rope before missing. Write your guess in your Home Journal. Then, pick a time this evening when you will have someone help you count and record the number of times you jumped the rope before the first miss. You can practice before the real counting, but when you are ready to do the final count, tell it to someone. Bring the number to school tomorrow to share it with the class. This will also give you a chance to so some exercise!

This is the time of year when many children get sick. Make a list of ways to prevent yourself from getting sick AND write how to get over being sick when you are. Bring the list to school tomorrow to share with others. Remember of the choices you can make to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Read the book that you have with you and remember to fill in your reading log on a daily basis.

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