Sunday, January 31, 2010

Grade 2 News February 1st-5th

This week we will continue our exploration about natural resources and human practices with a more focus on waste management and the situation in Lebanon.

Please continue to send garbage items that we will use to recycle. You are also welcome to send any resources that are related to 'waste management'.

This week is Math week. We look forward to receiving you in class to participate in a math activity together with the children. Details will be sent out to you regarding day and time.

February 8 is in-service day for teachers- No school for children.

February 9: No school.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Home Explorations for January 23rd- 28th

During this week continue exploring practices that waste or sustain natural resources.
Record your inquiry of exploring household items on the framework sheet provided.
Example: What is the source of your soap. Is using this kind/brand of soap helps preserving or harming your skin AND the environment? What other practices can make it better?

Take photos of household items you are investigating about. Bring to class to share during the week. Remember that sharing your photos digitally (on a CD) is better than printing them!

Think about the short documentary we watched about human practices in Lebanon and how they affect sea turtles. Write your observations, reflections and feelings in your Home Journal.
Later, think of a Color, Symbol, and image that go with your reflections on the short film you watched.
Visit the Math websites to add and subtract numbers. Explore some math problems and how to solve them.
Remember your book in a bag is your long lasting FRIEND!

Enjoy your weekend! :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Home Learning Explorations January 18-22

During the week, we will continue our research and explorations into natural resources and how humans use them in different ways.

Do you know that there are many household items that we use which are not environment friendly?

Try to explore and make a list of these items. Be ready to share during the week.
At school, we will be researching about practices that could help sustain the natural resources.

You are welcome to send any useful resources that are useful to our inquiry.

Enjoy your weekend and do not forget to read "everyday"!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Home Learning Activities & Explorations

Home Learning Program

January 8th- 14th

Sharing the Planet

Central idea:

Our personal choices and practices can sustain our earth’s resources and affect our environment.

Lines of inquiry:

- Nonrenewable natural resources

-The steps we can take to reduce waste


· The play equipment has been replaced in AUB Park. We are so looking forward to be there and explore the place!!

Environment Tip/News:

Check this website for tips on reducing global warming.

Discuss with your parents the things that you can do to help reduce global warming.


Look up the meaning of 'natural resources'.

In your home journals write three examples and put a picture for each one.


In class, we create different graphic organizers for different purposes.

Create a graphic organizer using the word 'environment', draw it in your home journal, and be ready to share it with your friends in class.

For parents' reference:

Tuesday/ Wednesday

Work on the Math Booklet that is in your folder.


Work on the Spelling booklet pages: 31,32,33,34