Friday, January 22, 2010

Home Explorations for January 23rd- 28th

During this week continue exploring practices that waste or sustain natural resources.
Record your inquiry of exploring household items on the framework sheet provided.
Example: What is the source of your soap. Is using this kind/brand of soap helps preserving or harming your skin AND the environment? What other practices can make it better?

Take photos of household items you are investigating about. Bring to class to share during the week. Remember that sharing your photos digitally (on a CD) is better than printing them!

Think about the short documentary we watched about human practices in Lebanon and how they affect sea turtles. Write your observations, reflections and feelings in your Home Journal.
Later, think of a Color, Symbol, and image that go with your reflections on the short film you watched.
Visit the Math websites to add and subtract numbers. Explore some math problems and how to solve them.
Remember your book in a bag is your long lasting FRIEND!

Enjoy your weekend! :)

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