Friday, January 8, 2010

Home Learning Activities & Explorations

Home Learning Program

January 8th- 14th

Sharing the Planet

Central idea:

Our personal choices and practices can sustain our earth’s resources and affect our environment.

Lines of inquiry:

- Nonrenewable natural resources

-The steps we can take to reduce waste


· The play equipment has been replaced in AUB Park. We are so looking forward to be there and explore the place!!

Environment Tip/News:

Check this website for tips on reducing global warming.

Discuss with your parents the things that you can do to help reduce global warming.


Look up the meaning of 'natural resources'.

In your home journals write three examples and put a picture for each one.


In class, we create different graphic organizers for different purposes.

Create a graphic organizer using the word 'environment', draw it in your home journal, and be ready to share it with your friends in class.

For parents' reference:

Tuesday/ Wednesday

Work on the Math Booklet that is in your folder.


Work on the Spelling booklet pages: 31,32,33,34

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