Sunday, February 28, 2010

Live Buzz from Grade 2 C

Last week has been filled with all kinds of events.

The children are actively putting in action their ideas. The garage sale was a "hit'. We sold out our items during our first recess. The children were excited to participate in the sale and in money exchange.
We will hold a garage sale on Monday if there are enough items to display.

Mariam and Marya are also raising environment awareness and contributing to our fundraising through the selling of their published book. They will continue to sell their book on Monday and Tuesday to different classes in the school.

Online maths practice is becoming part of our daily engagement.

Our "Parent Sharing Session" is getting sooner.

Looking forward to seeing you this Wednesday!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

New Math Link

Visit this maths link and practice your skills.

Keep going and mark your calendars for March 3rd: World Maths Day.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Home Learning Engagement

As part of taking action, visit a neaby supermarket and check the items on the shelves. Which items did you buy before? Which items would you buy now?
How have your choices changed?
Make a list of the items that you would buy now that have less or no packaging as well as the ones that are ' environment friendly'.
Take photos to share (digitally).
Enjoy and do not forget to reflect on how 'committed' you are to the choices and practices you're making now.
I am enjoying your learning and the action you're taking! be proud!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grade 2 C news and World Maths Day

Dear parents,
We are excited to share the many happenings that are taking place in our class during our upcoming end of unit celebration. Details regarding day and time will be sent to you with your child.

One group is organizing a Garage Sale from used items. Please contribute by helping your child collect items they no longer need to bring to school.

The group who will act out the Kapok Tree will be creating masks in Art. Anything that you can add/help to make our costumes look more interesting is appreciated.

On March 3 is World Maths Day. Children from around the world will be meeting to challenge their maths skills in a fun way. I have registered your children and now each has a user name and a password which I sent home with them.

You can help your child go to , log in with her/his user name and password and start practicing.

See you soon.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Math Week

The children in Grade 2 C enjoyed receiving their parents and working with them on math activities. On day one, children and parents enjoyed a short video on 'New Math' before working on estimation.

On day two children and parents explored math in different centers. In the Data Handling center, they sorted out garbage items into groups and filled in their tally charts and graphs accordingly. In the Problem solving center, the children explored different problems and game like activities and followed rubrics to solve problems. In the estimation center, children estmated the number of bracelets given to them.

At the end of the day, children and parents reflected on their partipation differently. Some parents followed "De Bono's" Six Thinking Hats to evaluate their experience.

Following is some children's feedback regarding Math Week.
I saw children and parents working in a community.
I think parents are adapting to 'new math'.
I wonder if 'new math' will affect their lives.
I wish it was math week everyday!
I had fun working with my dad.
I taught my mom to make a benchmark.