Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grade 2 C news and World Maths Day

Dear parents,
We are excited to share the many happenings that are taking place in our class during our upcoming end of unit celebration. Details regarding day and time will be sent to you with your child.

One group is organizing a Garage Sale from used items. Please contribute by helping your child collect items they no longer need to bring to school.

The group who will act out the Kapok Tree will be creating masks in Art. Anything that you can add/help to make our costumes look more interesting is appreciated.

On March 3 is World Maths Day. Children from around the world will be meeting to challenge their maths skills in a fun way. I have registered your children and now each has a user name and a password which I sent home with them.

You can help your child go to , log in with her/his user name and password and start practicing.

See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for getting us involved in this inspiring site. We spent such an entertaining evening gathered around the computer, with Isabella feeling fulfilled and proud of herself.
    Go IC Go!
