Saturday, February 13, 2010

Math Week

The children in Grade 2 C enjoyed receiving their parents and working with them on math activities. On day one, children and parents enjoyed a short video on 'New Math' before working on estimation.

On day two children and parents explored math in different centers. In the Data Handling center, they sorted out garbage items into groups and filled in their tally charts and graphs accordingly. In the Problem solving center, the children explored different problems and game like activities and followed rubrics to solve problems. In the estimation center, children estmated the number of bracelets given to them.

At the end of the day, children and parents reflected on their partipation differently. Some parents followed "De Bono's" Six Thinking Hats to evaluate their experience.

Following is some children's feedback regarding Math Week.
I saw children and parents working in a community.
I think parents are adapting to 'new math'.
I wonder if 'new math' will affect their lives.
I wish it was math week everyday!
I had fun working with my dad.
I taught my mom to make a benchmark.

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