Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Home Learning Engagements

Where We are in Time and Place

Central idea:

Lebanon has special characteristics that distinguish it from other countries.

Lines of inquiry:

· The physical characteristics of where we live (geography).

· The heritage of where we live (civics).

· The places and things you’d like a visitor to see. ( historical sites)


We have started our new planner. Please send any photos/pictures, books, guide books and other resources that are related to our planner.

During this unit, there will be several outings where the children will go on field trips to explore Lebanon’s special characteristics, heritage and important sites. Our first outing will be to Beiteddine and Deir El Kamar. Details will be sent to you with your child.

May is coming up. Enjoy the sunny days. When it’s our turn at AUB park, please apply sunscreen on your child’s face in the morning and send a cap.


Locate Lebanon on the world map. What do you notice? What countries border Lebanon?

In what ways do you think Lebanon is special and different from other countries? Write in your Home Journal. You can support your reflection with pictures.


Show each of the following numbers in five different ways 523 / 408

1- standard form 2- expanded form 3- word form 4- model form 5- place value form


Use different resources to explore and research important sites that are worth visiting in Lebanon. Create a list of those places. Choose one or two and write in your Home Journal what is unique about this/these places.

Adding pictures or drawings will always support your presentation, and make it more visual.


We are exploring and comparing plane and solid shapes. Visit the following link to review information on plane and solid shapes. In your Math journal, use the ruler to draw a plane shape and list its characteristics.


Visit the link below again to explore solid shapes. In your Math journal, use the ruler to draw a solid shape and list its characteristics.

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