Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reading Week

Reading week has started with the children publishing a collective story they called An Adventure in Time. They are very proud and keen about the message they are delivering through their book.
A copy of this story book will be given to each child on a CD at the end of the term.

Today the children enjoyed A Song of a Tree, read to them by Dr. Charles who in turn, enjoyed having such an audience of wonderful listeners and thinkers.

Our plans for the week will continue with more activities:

Wednesday: Sharing our book : An Adventure in Time. Reading to other classes.

Thursday: Earth day- IC green. Wear green and anything showing your love to planet Earth.
Planting geraniums and other kinds of plants from the money collected during
our 'garage sale'.

Friday: Parent Volunteering to read.
Bring your favorite book for buddy reading with CE1.

Our activities for reading week will carry on for our passion for reading never ends.

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