Friday, October 16, 2009

Our Weekly Home Learning Program

October 16th- 22nd

Our Program

Transdisciplinary Theme: Who we are

Central Idea: To achieve a balanced lifestyle we need to make wise choices in nutrition, hygiene, and physical and social life.

Lines of Inquiry:

· An awareness of our physical and social needs

· The practical consequences of a healthy lifestyle on our general well being


· October 23rd is IC Founder’s Day. If you’d like to share your school souvenirs, please send with your child. If you happen to know a senior IC graduate who would like to come and talk to the children about IC in the old days, please contact the class advisor.

· On October 30th , we will celebrate Halloween in class. Please send your child with a comfortable costume, preferrably handmade and not very frightening. Also, send a bag of Halloween treats with your child for trick-or-treating. (Please adhere to the No NUTS policy).

Environment Tip/News: Make a list of ways you could introduce in your home to make it a Tree-Free Home.

Refer to the site below for more details.

Example: replace paper napkins with cloth napkins.






Research about a germ or different kinds of germs. What are ways to protect ourselves from germs. List some of them.

From what you have researched on Friday, are there only bad germs?

Write your answer in your journal.

Solve the following:

  • 3+4=
  • 7+2=
  • 5+6=
  • 9+4=
  • 11+2=
  • 6+6=

Write the addition strategy you used for solving each equation.

ü Counting on

ü Making a double

ü Making a double +1

ü Making a 10

Our body is made up of systems: nervous (brain), muscular, skeletal, digestive, respiratory and circulatory (blood). After reading the book Me and My Amazing Body, choose one of those systems listed above and either make a sketch of it, or a short poem about it.

Write a reflection about this week’s homework or school activities.

What was your favorite? What was your least favorite? Explain why.

Every day read a few pages from the book we’re sending : Me and My Amazing Body. You have a whole week to finish the book.

1 comment:

  1. I love ur blog Nora!! the interface !! ur gadgets and on top of all : Christmas Countdown!!
