Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Weekly Home Learing Program

October 16th- 22nd

Our Program

Transdisciplinary Theme: Who we are

Central Idea: To achieve a balanced lifestyle we need to make wise choices in nutrition, hygiene, and physical and social life.

Lines of Inquiry:

· An awareness of our physical and social needs

· The practical consequences of a healthy lifestyle on our general well being


· Don’t forget! On October 30th , we will celebrate Halloween in class. Please send your child with a comfortable costume, preferably hand made and not very frightening. Also, send a bag of Halloween treats with your child for trick-or-treating. (Please adhere to the No NUTS policy).

· Day light saving time begins at midnight on Saturday. Set your watches one hour back.

Environment Tip/News: Going Green by Living Eco Friendly

What Does Go Green Mean? Green can mean many different things to different people. For some, it means simply environmentally friendly and to others means living a life that is not dangerous to the health of people or animals.


Go to Adding Bricks and play the game.





Explore the following website about health:

Create your own addition story problem. Solve it and tell which of the following addition strategy(ies) you used.

ü Counting on

ü Making a double

ü Making a double +1

ü Making a 10

Refer to the checkilst that you created in class. In your Home Journal, write a reflection about the actions you want to start or continue.

Use some or all of the following words: “wise, balanced, lifestyle, and choices” to create a drawing with a caption, a poem, or a song.

Read the book that you have with you and remember to fill in your reading log on a daily basis.

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