Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Ask your Parents...
Add your comments, don't be shy! :)
Tips for the Holidays

Dear all,
During the vacation continue to visit the following links to practice your math skills, spelling and phonics skills and to learn more about global warming issues. I encourage you to take part in the " Children's Climate Forum" by adding your reflections and your ideas. This is one part of taking action.
Last but not least, enjoy your holiday and have loads of fun!
See you in 2010!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Goodbye 2009....
Home Learning Program December 11th- 17th | |
How We Organize Ourselves Central idea: The neighborhood is an organization where people share responsibility to live harmoniously. Lines of inquiry: - how people in the neighbourhood depend on each other - how people in the neighbourhood share responsibilities - what makes a neighborhood a livable place | Notes · We will have a Christmas class celebration on the last day before the holidays (ie. Thursday, December 17). Children can wear Santa hats and bring in finger food and juice. · There will be no learning engagements for the holidays. The students are asked to read their library books and are encouraged to write their responses and entries in their book-in-the-bag notebook. Enjoy the holidays and see you in 2010! |
Environment Tip/News: With the Copenhagen Conference on climate change underway, it’s time to realize we have to take action to save our planet. Visit and explore the site.
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Friday PYP: Take a walk in your neighborhood and observe the different signs and billboards. Make a list of them and then classify them. What do you think is the function of each group of signs? | |
Monday PYP: Refer back to the signs you had already observed. Write a reflection on how they contribute to the neighborhood. Do they make it a safer place, a more organized place, etc….? Do you think your neighborhood needs other different signs? What are they? | |
Tuesday Math: Visit and learn some fun mnemonics and other tricks that will help boost your spelling!! In your Home Journal, write what you learned and which trick you think you will use in the future to spell words. | |
Wednesday Enjoy your day! Read a book and remember to prepare what you need to take to school the following day. | |
Thursday Math: Do the family involvement activities. Write a reflection about the math strategies you’ve been applying in your Home Journal. |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Our walk around the neighborhood was very interesting. The children observed how the place is organized. They took notes of signs that are there for safety. They asked questions to the sukleen guy and to the ACS guard about their roles and how they cooperate and share responsibilty. The children greeted the children and the teachers that are at the neighboring school (ACS) because neighbors communicate positively and are friendly to each other.
When back in class, the children worked on their observations and wrote their reflections. Tomorrow they will add their suggestions on how the neighborhood could be more harmonious.
They will draw a map of the neighborhood.
Next week, we will visit two neighborhoods: one in Seifi Village and the other in Hamra.
Details will be posted in time.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Walk in the School Neighborhood
We'll update you on our walk later on.
See you,
Grade 2 teachers
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Home Learning Program December 4th -10th | ||
How We Organize Ourselves Central idea: The neighborhood is an organization where people share responsibility to live harmoniously. Lines of inquiry: - how people in the neighbourhood depend on each other - how people in the neighbourhood share responsibilities - what makes a neighborhood a livable place | Notes * We are inquiring into the conditions that allow people to live in harmony with each other. The children will visit a neighborhood that they choose based on their inquiry and try to take action needed to achieve harmony. Environment Tip: Follow the link below to find out how to spend a green Christmas -- 10 tips for an Earth-friendly holiday. | |
Friday PYP: Use the questionnaire you created in class to conduct a survey in your building and or your neighborhood. Bring in the results to share them in class. | ||
Monday PYP: Create a map of your bedroom. Do not forget to give it a title and use a key to explain your symbols. | ||
Tuesday Math: Estimate the time it takes you to read your book-in-the bag, to walk to your elevator, and to walk to the closest store in your neighborhood. Record your estimates then perform the actions and time yourself. Record the actual time for each. | ||
Wednesday In class, you created a rubric for writing a letter. Write a letter to someone telling them about your wishes for the upcoming holidays. | ||
Friday Math: Do the family involvement activities. Write a reflection about the math strategies you’ve been applying in your Home Journal. | ||
Enrichment | Visit one of the links on the web to play math games. | |