Friday, December 11, 2009

Goodbye 2009....

Home Learning Program

December 11th- 17th

How We Organize Ourselves

Central idea:

The neighborhood is an organization where people share responsibility to live harmoniously.

Lines of inquiry:

- how people in the neighbourhood depend on each other

- how people in the neighbourhood share responsibilities

- what makes a neighborhood a livable place


· We will have a Christmas class celebration on the last day before the holidays (ie. Thursday, December 17). Children can wear Santa hats and bring in finger food and juice.

· There will be no learning engagements for the holidays. The students are asked to read their library books and are encouraged to write their responses and entries in their book-in-the-bag notebook.

Enjoy the holidays and see you in 2010!

Environment Tip/News:

With the Copenhagen Conference on climate change underway, it’s time to realize we have to take action to save our planet. Visit and explore the site.

You can also learn about climate change and global warming through the games at:


PYP: Take a walk in your neighborhood and observe the different signs and billboards.

Make a list of them and then classify them.

What do you think is the function of each group of signs?


PYP: Refer back to the signs you had already observed. Write a reflection on how they contribute to the neighborhood. Do they make it a safer place, a more organized place, etc….? Do you think your neighborhood needs other different signs? What are they?


Math: Visit and learn some fun mnemonics and other tricks that will help boost your spelling!!

In your Home Journal, write what you learned and which trick you think you will use in the future to spell words.


Enjoy your day! Read a book and remember to prepare what you need to take to school the following day.


Math: Do the family involvement activities. Write a reflection about the math strategies you’ve been applying in your Home Journal.

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