Sunday, December 6, 2009

Home Learning Program

December 4th -10th

How We Organize Ourselves

Central idea:

The neighborhood is an organization where people share responsibility to live harmoniously.

Lines of inquiry:

- how people in the neighbourhood depend on each other

- how people in the neighbourhood share responsibilities

- what makes a neighborhood a livable place


* We are inquiring into the conditions that allow people to live in harmony with each other. The children will visit a neighborhood that they choose based on their inquiry and try to take action needed to achieve harmony.

Environment Tip:

Follow the link below to find out how to spend a green Christmas -- 10 tips for an Earth-friendly holiday.


PYP: Use the questionnaire you created in class to conduct a survey in your building and or your neighborhood. Bring in the results to share them in class.


PYP: Create a map of your bedroom. Do not forget to give it a title and use a key to explain your symbols.


Math: Estimate the time it takes you to read your book-in-the bag, to walk to your elevator, and to walk to the closest store in your neighborhood. Record your estimates then perform the actions and time yourself. Record the actual time for each.


In class, you created a rubric for writing a letter. Write a letter to someone telling them about your wishes for the upcoming holidays.


Math: Do the family involvement activities. Write a reflection about the math strategies you’ve been applying in your Home Journal.


Visit one of the links on the web to play math games.

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