Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ask your Parents...

Why does Ms. Nora give us homework and how does it help us in learning?

Add your comments, don't be shy! :)


  1. hi miss Nora this is Dana
    I wish you are here next to me in London because you are the nicest teacher on earth . I wish you
    a happy holiday..
    You give us homeworks to be more knowledgeable ...
    I send you hugs and kisses.

    by Dana

  2. Hi Miss Nora
    It is me Tala
    I hope you are having a great time like me!!!<3
    Now,my mom says that you give us homework for many reasons mainly to let us practice more what we learn in class so we can confirm it and remember it better. Besides, our homework helps involve our parents in our themes and keeps them aware of our progress. Sometimes our homework requires extra research that adds to our knowledge in a certain area...
    It is good to have homework but not plenty of them :)))))

  3. Hey Miss Nora!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope you had a wonderfullllllllllll Holidays. My mom says we need homework to widen our knowledge and thinking , but not toooooooooooooo much on the Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you a very nice Christmass and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!
    See you in 2010 . I love You. Tamara O.

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