Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Grade 2 Updates

Hello all,

The past month has been filled with wonderful learning engagements and activities from our end of unit celebration to our portfolio sharing conferences. The children were enthusiastic to share their learning. The responses showed that the children are aware of their learning, their progress and were explicit in specifying what goals they need to set to improve further.

Last Monday was child's day. The children enjoyed having an outdoor snack at AUB campus.

Four more school days left till our Spring break. Please read the notes below regarding overdue books and egg hunt.
I wish each and everyone a relaxed and joyful break!

Home Learning Program

March 24th - March 31st

How the World Works

Central idea:

Central Idea: The Earth, sun, and moon are connected in a system and regulate our life

Lines of inquiry:

-the interaction among sun, moon and earth.

- the phenomena of day and night and the change of seasons

- the different phases of the moon and its effect on the tides

- how the sun and moon affect our life


On Wednesday, March 31st, we are going to have an ‘egg hunt’ at AUB. Each child is required to bring 3 dyed or decorated hardboiled eggs on that day.

The three sections will compete in the activity all together. Math activities such as estimation and graphing will follow the egg hunt.

Please make sure to return all overdue books to the library so that you’ll be able to check out readables for the holiday. Each child can check out up to five books.

Tips for the Holiday

Read on a daily basis. Do book in a bag activity in your Home Journals.

The holiday is an exciting time to meet people and explore new places. Keep a daily journal with photos/souvenirs to share in class after the vacation. Train tickets, brochures, etc. can all be interesting souvenirs to share.

If you go to a restaurant or to a supermarket, make an estimate of the sum of your bill. Remember to create a bench mark for your estimation. After you receive the bill, do the actual calculation. Is your estimate close to the actual number?


Make an addition story problem that includes 2-digit numbers. Find the sum and write the strategy you used to solve your problem.


Use the book in the bag as a source to find words with long sound ‘o’.

Words with long “ o” sound include the following letter combinations:

o-e: home, ow: blow, oa: goat, o: so, ocean.

Make a list of these words in your Home Journal.



Do the Math worksheet that is sent home.


You are learning in class how the gravity from the moon affects the tide. In what way do you think the change of tides affect people? Sailors? Fishermen?

Write your thoughts and pictures in your Home Journal.

You can refer to the link below for further information on the topic.

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