Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Home Learning Engagements

Home Learning Program

March 10th - March 18th

How the World Works

Central idea:

Central Idea: The Earth, sun, and moon are connected in a system and regulate our life

Lines of inquiry:

-the interaction among sun, moon and earth.

- the phenomena of day and night and the change of seasons

- the different phases of the moon and its effect on the tides

- how the sun and moon affect our life


We have launched our new planner. Please send any resources you may find useful or related to our inquiry.

This week is our turn at AUB park. You may be aware of the unnatural warm weather we're having. Please provide your child with water bottles to avoid dehydration.

Environment Tip:

Here are steps to create a non-toxic cleaning kit.


Do the math worksheet that is sent home.

Record the addition strategies you are using to solve your operations. Which strategy have you used the most? Write a reflection in your home Journal.


Follow the instructions provided on the sheet sent home to make a sundial.


Use the sundial framework sheet provided to record your inquiry and observation.


Read the book you have selected from the class library. Choose a page and record all nouns found in that page in your home Journal. Then classify the nouns in to singular and plural.


Visit the following link to learn more about day and night and other interesting facts that are related to our inquiry.

Record your reflections/notes in your home Journals.


Read the book you have selected from the class or school library. Use the book as a source to find words with long sound 'a'.

Words with longs sound 'a' include the following letter combinations:

a-e: make, ai: rainy, ay: day, eig: reign,

Make a list of those words in your home Journal.


Practice to spell the list of words with long sound 'a'. There's no classes on Friday for Portfolio Conferences. Our spelling assessment will be postponed to Monday, March 22nd.

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